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Ken Courville - Summarized Resume

Posted on:December 21, 2023 at 08:00 AM


Getting IT Done™ since 1995. Motivated, creative, versatile technology enthusiast and solution builder.


Languages and Runtimes : JavaScript, TypeScript, C#, Python, NodeJs

Data Stores : ElasticSearch, MS SQL, Postgres, DynamoDb, S3

Architecture : Immutable Deployments, Serverless, Sharding, Observability

Network & Security : TCP/IP, DNS, Routing, Firewall, TLS, Route53, OAuth2, OIDC

UI : HTML, CSS, StencilJs, Angular, Vue, Bootstrap, Tailwind, Custom Elements

Testing : Playwright, Cypress, Jest, Locust, Lighthouse, Unit/E2E/BDD,TDD

DevOps : CodeBuild, CodePipeline, Jenkins, Terraform, CloudFormation, CDK, CodeDeploy, Git, Docker

Web : ASP.NET Core, Flask, Express, API Gateway, AppSync

Cloud Compute : EC2, ECS, Lambda, Batch, ELB, ASG

Event Driven : SQS, SNS, Kinesis

Misc : team player, lifelong learner

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